6 Ways We Celebrate Earth Day Every Day Of The Year

6 Ways We Celebrate Earth Day Every Day Of The Year


We celebrate Earth Day every day of the year by providing eco-friendly, long-lasting products made in the USA with a focus on conservation. April 22nd marks Earth Day, a special day meant to acknowledge the beauty of nature and how to best take care of this Planet we call home.

Here are 6 ways we strive to make every day Earth Day…

1. Approved For Use With LEED Certified Projects

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certification is awarded to applicants that focus on eco-friendly practices in regards to building process, materials and overall impact on the environment. We work with many project managers concerned with LEED Certification, after all our products make a great option for eco-friendly projects. We have developed a 100% percent recycled black that is made entirely from 100% Post Consumer Recycled material that allows you to apply credit MRc4 and help contribute 2 points toward your LEED credits.

Without LEED Certified projects, the world would be in even bigger danger from things like deforestation, pollution and high community unemployment rates.  We take our hats off and salute all projects that strive to do things the fair, eco-friendly way. In order to show our appreciation, we offer top of the line products, many of which qualify for LEED credits and points.

2. We Use Recycled Materials To Create Recyclable Products

You generate around 4.3 pounds of trash… every single day! According to Duke University, 55% of this trash ends up in one of the 3,500 landfills polluting America. The more you recycle the less waste ends up in the ground. Recycling also offers benefits in that more resources are not wasted to produce a new product. 

Adding to this giant collection of trash are countless cheap planters, light posts, and site furnishings. Our resin-based products made from a Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) are recyclable and can be melted back down and reused. In other words, none of our products hog up landfill space. 

3. We Save Water

The average family of four uses up to 400 gallons of water in a single day; water is a necessary component to life, but it’s rapidly drying up due to such high demand. Our demand for water greatly outweighs the natural influx of supply. If we don’t find ways to greatly reduce water consumption we will someday in the not so distant future run out of water. 

Earth Day gives us the chance to reflect on how much water we use, and ways to scale back. Chances are once you become aware of how much water you use, it’s pretty easy to cut back some. 

Our manufacturing process takes the earth into consideration every step of the way, even in regards to conserving water. One way we reduce water consumption is by running our cooling chambers on reclaimed water.

4. We Use Natural Gas Ovens

There are many benefits to using natural gas. For starters it is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, providing the most efficient form of energy. Natural gas decreases pollution because it releases fewer impurities into the air.

The average household oven goes on once or maybe twice a day, but work ovens run at a much more consistent pace. As a company we feel it is our duty to produce as little pollution as possible, which is why we use natural gas ovens. 

5. Products Built To Last To Reduce Waste & Manufacturing Pollution

There are many cheap, flimsy products made overseas or even on domestically that quickly break and need to be replaced.  Plastic planters found at every other store are one of these products commonly sold. Don’t be fooled by the low price tag, you are getting what you pay for and the Earth is paying a toll for it.

Manufacturing pollution is a modern day nightmare, especially in places like China where so many cheap products are tossed together and then shipped around the world—largely to the United States. The streets of Beijing are crowded in clouds of pollution and people wear gas masks to navigate the streets. If we aren’t careful the entire world could develop this sickly air, which has a negative impact on quality of life as well as health.

Our products are built to last a long time, as a result you don’t have to buy new products as often, saving you money and reducing the strain of manufacturing on the environment. We have tossed our products from the tops of roofs, and even seen them hit by cars, and time and time again they stand up to the challenge. Graffiti is no match for our products either. A simple Mr. Clean Magic Eraser® will wipe away all signs of graffiti and other stains.

6. We Make Receptacles!

Trash is a big problem, but when trash doesn’t make it to the proper bin it’s an even bigger problem. A lot of the trash that is not properly disposed of ends up in the ocean. As proof, around 60-80% of all ocean trash is made of plastic. 80% of ocean pollution originates on land, while the remaining percentage is tossed or accidentally lost by ocean vessels. The Ocean Conservancy’s Trash Free Seas Alliance estimates a shocking 8 million metric tons of plastic finds its way into the ocean every single year.

In order to reduce pollution it’s so important that people have easy access to both trash and recycling bins at all times.  We use our standard long-lasting resin-based material to create a wide selection of durable receptacles, which can be personalized any way that you like.

Help Us Celebrate Earth Day Every Day!

When you buy eco-friendly products made in the USA you help strengthen the local economy and protect the fragility of nature. You can help make Earth Day an everyday occurrence by becoming a customer of TerraCast Products!