7 Ways You Can Save Money On Commercial Landscape Lighting

7 Ways You Can Save Money On Commercial Landscape Lighting


You can save a lot of money on commercial landscape lighting costs by analyzing your current system, switching to LED bulbs and investing in our resin-based long lasting lighting fixtures.

The average commercial building in the US spends 35% of their total electricity consumption on lighting. 35% is pretty high if you take into consideration all other forms of electricity a business utilizes on a daily basis. 

The reason that lighting accounts for so much energy usage is that the majority of lighting usage is attributed to waste. In other words, you could easily reduce your electricity usage and save money by making a few simple changes. Here are some ways you can save money on commercial lighting costs.

#1. Analyze Your Current System

In the US, small businesses combined spend over $60 billion every year on energy, and a good percentage of this money funds lighting. Take the time to go over your current energy usage to see how much you spend on lighting each month and where you can make improvements. The goal is to determine how much work needs to be done to make your business more energy efficient. 

Don’t forget to take into account how often you switch bulbs or replace lighting fixtures; these things contribute to your total lighting costs at the end of each year. Determine available outlets, fixtures and systems. This provides a blueprint of sorts when installing your new system or upgrading your current system.

Perhaps you could save big by updating equipment, changing energy usage patterns to off-peak hours or taking advantage of renewable energy sources. Plus, in analyzing your current energy usage you might find other ways to save money aside from just lighting.

#2. Make The Switch To LED

LED light bulbs are far superior to traditional bulbs in regards to energy efficiency. The US Department of Energy predicts that by the year 2027, LEDs will save around 348 terawatt-hours of electricity, which is the same as the energy output of 44 large electric power plants. As more people switch to LED, it is actually becoming more affordable. There are so many benefits to switching to LED, all of which save you money in numerous ways.

-Bulbs consume less energy, which allows them to last longer without needing to be replaced.

-Some LED models can be made with dimmers and motion controls for added efficiency.

-LEDs generate less heat than other forms of lighting. As a result, you can actually reduce cooling costs.

-LEDs output the greatest light, color and overall brightness.

-There are a wide variety of options in terms of types, colors, temperatures and styles.

#3. Know Which LED Fixtures Come With Incentives

Certain commercial lighting products are so good at reducing waste and improving outdoor environments that they come with rebates and incentives through your electricity provider.

For instance, if you install remote mounted daylight dimming controls, some electric companies offer as much as $60 per sensor. So not only do you save money on every electricity bill from here on out, but also you get free money for simply reducing your electricity usage.

#4. Add Auto Lighting Controls

There’s no need to run lights for no reason, it only wastes electricity and money. You could be wasting as much as 50% of your total lighting usage. Waste occurs when lights get left on but no one is in the room or there is enough natural light to negate the need for artificial light.

There are a wide variety of auto control features you can install to prevent wasting so much electricity. According to California’s Title 24 energy efficiency standards, businesses should use adaptive lighting technologies such as dimmers, control systems and sensors to combat electrical waste.

Occupancy & motion sensors: These lighting systems detect movement. These sensors usually cover areas that are 180 and 360 degrees over 500 to 2,000 square feet. 

Daylight harvesting sensors: Controls lighting based on outside light. If there’s enough natural light it will dim or turn off lighting systems.

Timing controls: Presets that allow you to dim, shut off or turn on lighting automatically at certain times throughout the day/night.

#5. Buy Long Lasting Lampposts & Lighting Fixtures

If your lighting fixtures are not built to last a long time you’ll waste a lot of money replacing them over the years. Our resin-based lighting poles, tree ring lights and other lighting fixtures are built more durable than anything else out there. Thanks to our unmatched manufacturing process, which takes place right here in the US, our lighting fixtures are resistant to rust, corrosion and chipping. They are also highly resistant to impact damage, sun exposure and even salty moist air found near coastal areas.

Learn more about our lighting fixtures. https://www.terracastproducts.com/commercial-landscape-lighting/

#6. Use As Much Natural Lighting As Possible; It’s Free

Natural light is better for the planet and people actually prefer it, so make use of it any way that you can. Throw open the windows, install skylights and remove any window-blocking obstacles. Any way you can bring in more natural light will help reduce your electricity usage.

#7. Make The Switch To TerraCast Commercial Landscape Lighting

Our wide varieties of lighting fixtures are equipped to operate with energy efficient LED bulbs. We offer everything from lampposts to tree ring lights to square bollards and flood lights. Shop our complete collection of eco-friendly, long lasting commercial lighting fixtures: https://www.terracastproducts.com/product-category/landscape-lighting/