Add Color This Winter

Add Color This Winter


Depending on where you live, winter can put a damper on your outdoor garden. If your garden lacks color due to winter’s chill or stormy winter weather, you can add the vibrant colors you love to enjoy with these ideas. From colorful planters to beds and borders, these plants bring the color and life to help you enjoy your winter garden.

Camellias – Evergreen Beauty with Blooms

The evergreen Camellia plants bloom in fall, winter, and spring, depending on the variety. Offering hues in red, white, and pink, as well as bi-colors, some Camellia blooms are rose-like and others more like peonies in appearance. Even when not in bloom, these evergreens are a beautiful complement to your garden. Camellias deliver beauty with the promise of a scintillating fragrance and are hardy in zones 7 through 10, with some new varieties able to thrived in zone 6.

Hollies – Colorful Evergreen Showcased Berries

Hollies are beautiful evergreen shrubs with bright berries in shades of red and gold. Dwarf holly varieties are the perfect choice for containers, like the timeless TerraCast square-footed planter, framing your front entryway. This attractive planter delivers in a variety of colors making it the ideal complement to your winter garden, whether it is at home, at work, or both.  Larger varieties add curb appeal with berry-strewn hedges or natural screens. In winter, the Winterberry Holly, sheds its evergreen coat to better showcase deep red or golden berries for a stunning effect. From beautyberries to pyracanthas to nandinas, you can’t go wrong with the addition of hollies to your winter garden.

Winter Flowers – Add Unexpected Color

In addition to camellias, Christmas roses bloom for weeks in winter showing off shades of purple, green, pink, cream, red, and burgundy. Another colorful winter flower is the pansy, which complements containers, beds, and borders showing off bright hues particularly when planted in pairs – shades of  purple, yellow, white, burgundy, and orange to adorn your outdoor space.

Flowering Shrubs – Color and Fragrance, The Perfect Combination

Alongside the beauteous camellia, other shrubs offer the prettiness and fragrance of flowers in winter. Winter Jasmine is a popular option showcases sweet, fragrant yellow blossoms even in colder climates. Daphnes add their scent to the mix with lavender, pink, and white blooms in winter. Witch Hazel is another flowering beauty blooming from early to later winter with clustered  orange blooms and a tantalizing fragrance for all to enjoy.

Colorful Shrubs and Trees – Don’t Overlook the Stems

On top of color from flowering shrubs, some shrubs offer up a unique addition to your garden with colorful branches and stems. From the Yellow Twig Dogwood with its golden twigs to the Artic Fire’s scarlet branches to the Bloodtwig Dogwoods yellow, orange, and red stems, these unique additions add shimmering color beneath the limited sunlight winter provides.

Bulbs – Breaking Through the Snow

When you think of bulbs, your likely think of the familiar blooms of spring and summer, but did you know that some bulbs show off their blossom in winter. Plant snowdrops for white bell flowers and winter aconite for a burst of yellow, even in the snow!

Evergreens and Conifers – Perfect for Pots

Conifers and evergreens offer up a variety of hues for the winter from green to gray to blue, and all the shades in between. These options, particularly dwarf varieties are ideal for winter plantings in TerraCast containers which are impervious to a variety of weather conditions, even winter’s worst!

Leafy Greens – The Look of Flowers

In winter, annuals like ornamental kales and cabbages are great options to deliver much wanted winter color. They produce beautiful rosettes shapes which look just like large flowers in bloom. With pink, green, rose, purple, and cream colored varieties, these leafy greens feature more intense color is you region brings the promise of frost. 

TerraCast Products offers a variety of premium planters in custom colors, perfect for adding color to your landscape in winter.