Best Tips For Creating an Indoor Garden

Best Tips For Creating an Indoor Garden


Whether you are looking to spruce up the interior of a store, restaurant, or the lobby of an office building, indoor gardens are a great way to transform an otherwise empty or dull space. Fortunately, they don’t have to be overly elaborate or complicated to achieve this task. While interior design remains a subjective topic, indoor gardens can be an excellent alternative to expensive art installations or decor. 

If you have the right space and equipment, setting up an indoor garden can be quite easy. Furthermore, it can also boost the aesthetics of your interior, spread aroma, and improve indoor air quality of your workspace. If you are ready to create your own indoor garden but are not sure where to start, these tips can help you make the right choice. 

Find the Right Space

First and foremost, it is essential to find a place where there is less disturbance from people when creating an indoor garden. If you are building a garden in the lobby of a hotel or office building, ensure that you pick a corner space or a spot where the plants won’t get in the way of people passing by. A spot that sees direct sunlight for a few hours every day can be a great place to start building your garden. 


It is worthwhile to note that plants need varying levels of care depending on their biology. While it is best to provide ample amounts of sunlight to your plants, it might not be so easy to do so in a practical situation. Fortunately, with the help of grow lights you can still help your plants flourish. You should also be aware of how much sunlight is required by each plant type, so you don’t accidentally harm them. 

Watering Schedule

It is a common misconception amongst people that watering plants everyday is the best way to ensure optimal growth conditions. While water is one of the essential needs of plants, overwatering can actually damage your plants as their roots may rot. Most indoor plants can survive on considerably less amount of water than outdoor plants. It is essential that you have a watering schedule in place in order to avoid harming the plants. 

Type of Soil

Creating a nutrient rich environment for your indoor plants is very important. You can try custom blends of soil to ensure that each type of plant in your garden is receiving adequate nutrition. Liquid fertilizers work like a dream for indoor gardens as they tend to provide a larger spectrum of nutritional supplementation. They need to be used moderately so be prepared to add liquid fertilizer to your soil once a month. 

Choose Plants That Thrive Indoors

One of the most important criteria when creating an indoor garden is to choose plants that can optimally survive and thrive in indoor conditions. On the other hand, while some succulents and herbs may survive in outdoor conditions, that’s not always the case when it comes to growing them indoors. Some herbs and flowers are easy to grow inside while others might need additional care to help them survive. 

Go Hydroponics

When we talk about gardening, most people will think of using soil as the growing medium. While that remains the conventional way of growing plants, hydroponics systems (requires no soil) are three times faster than traditional methods. Growing your plants hydroponically also needs less space while providing a pesticide-free alternative. 

Creating an indoor garden can be an exciting venture that many of us would like to turn into a reality one day. At Terracast, we understand that besides finding the right space, soil, plants, and fertilizers, you also need to find the right size and type of planters. If you are looking for planters that are built to last and can meet the functional and aesthetic requirements of any modern indoor gardens, our resin planters can be the perfect choice. To learn more about our planters or to get your quote, give us a call today!