How to Pick the Right Size Planter

How to Pick the Right Size Planter


So you know you want planters to accent the look and feel your business, but how do you choose the right size to enhance your business and your brand. When selecting the appropriate planter for your business, there are multiple consideration, but the first is the purpose for your planters. TerraCast Products offers these helpful tips on picking the ideal planter for your business beginning with the planters purpose.

The Purpose of The Planter in Your Business

Obviously, aesthetics is always a significant part of the planter’s purpose. In addition to visual beauty and representation of your brand, planters can serve other purposes including expressing parameters, defining walkways, welcoming visitors, or creating privacy. When determining the purpose of your planters, you must also consider whether your planters and their plants will be a focal point in your business or act as backdrop adding ambiance to your space. Planter aesthetics can also come into play, when you are adding planters as a solution – such as camouflaging pipes, equipment, or other unsightly issues.

Defining Space, Application, and Scale in Your Business

One the purpose of the planters you are seeking for your business has been defined, next the application needs to be determined. Planters come in all shapes and sizes in order to help you achieve the effect you are seeking. For example, TerraCast Products Catalina planter is the perfect choice for defining outdoor spaces like parklets, cafes, or segregating outdoor spaces. In addition to application, the size and space in your business must be considered when determining the best planter size and use. In like manner, the scale of the space where the planters will be used should be precisely calculated with plant growth in mind. As an example, an expansive entryway will require a completely different application when compared to a smaller, more intimate entryway.

Considering Scope and The Impact of Function

As with all additions, the scope of your project will affect size considerations for your planter additions. Whether you choose a number of smaller planters or a lesser amount of large planters to develop your design, choosing complementary planters styles which speak to your brand will create ambiance and style continuity. Along with the scope of your planter planning, always consider the function of the plant and planter. Are you creating a welcoming entryway, adding interest to an expansive wall, or drawing attention to a focal point? The function of the planters will help you select the appropriate planters for your space.

Filling the Space in Context with Content

In choosing planters for your business, you are also filling a void, creating beauty in a once empty space. In a restaurant setting this might be done with organic, garden themed planters filled with tasty vegetables and herbs. At a performing arts venue, large, artistically crafted planters filled with unexpected plants and flowers could create the perfect welcome for guests. With that in mind, the context in which your planters will be placed in your business help determine the content. Trees require deep planters for healthy growth, and speak to stability, peace, and trustworthiness. Flowers need a different planter altogether and deliver a message of tranquility, welcome, and happiness. Choose planters which can accommodate the plant life you see in your space.

Choosing the Right Planter for Your Space

As you narrow your choices toward the final selection of the right planter for your space, always consider the shape of the planter. Planters with corners (such as rectangular or square planters) have different space requirements than round planters and bowls. At TerraCast Products you can find planters of all shapes and sizes as well as custom designs – color, shape, size, style, texture, and even personalized branding – to ensure you find the right size planter(s) to complement your business setting.