Opportunities for Hospitality Industry in Creating Coworking Spaces

Opportunities for Hospitality Industry in Creating Coworking Spaces


It was not too long ago that working from home was seen as something that only freelancers and digital content creators could do. That all changed in 2020 when COVID-19 forced many industries to shift staff away from working at the office to staying at home and working remotely to meet lockdown and social distancing mandates. While the pandemic is nearing its end and many are starting to return to the office, there are plenty of people who have grown accustomed to working from home and would prefer to make that a permanent position. 

Furthermore, many people use remote working opportunities to take work-cations and stay-cations as a means to get out of their homes and enjoy a change of setting. With remote work becoming a new norm across many industries and businesses, the hospitality industry stands to benefit by catering to this growing need by offering accommodation for those looking for a coworking space.

Growing Number of Remote Workers 

Upwork studies estimate that as much as 22 percent of the American workforce will be working remotely by 2025. Since 2020, remote work trends and expectations have changed drastically, with many employers unprepared for the shift to remote work. As technology improves to meet the growing demand, many businesses can now offer remote positions to more of their staff, allowing them to reduce time spent commuting and more time for leisure and with their families. 

This ultimately leads many of them to be more productive and satisfied with their jobs, the latter of which is key to staff retention in a time when many industries are coping with high turnover and staff shortages. As the number of remote working positions is likely to keep increasing, so does the need for coworking spaces to accommodate them. 

Utilize Underused Spaces – Rooftops, Hotel Lobbies, and More

One thing many places have in common is underutilized spaces, whether it be outdoor grounds, rooftops, or hotel lobbies. With the growing flux of workers looking for coworking spaces as a place to work outside of their homes, the hospitality industry can accommodate them by reconfiguring their underutilized spaces and offering a quiet place to work. Most hotels already have the infrastructure to easily convert rooms and underutilized spaces into private or shared workspaces that remote workers can take advantage of. 

Privacy and Quiet Space Using Planters as Alternative to Dividers

For hotels and hospitality businesses looking to make use of their available space for remote workers seeking privacy as they work, TerraCast’s resin planters offer a cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing alternative to dividers. 

TerraCast Planters are: 

  • Lightweight and Durable – Resin planters are a long-lasting solution that is resistant to weather and water damage and does not peel, rust, or corrode. Their light weight makes them easy to move to reconfigure a room to meet the current needs of a hotel. 
  • Ideal for High Traffic Areas – Their durability makes them well suited to high traffic areas, whether it be outside near vehicular traffic or indoors, where hotel guests frequently come and go. The near indestructibility of resin makes them a reliable solution for interim or permanent use. 
  • Plants Help Reduce Noise – Plants can help improve remote workers’ privacy through sound absorption. Plant parts like leaves, branches, and wood absorb sounds, helping eliminate any background noise and allowing workers to stay focused on their work. 
  • Aesthetically Pleasing – Planters can create a welcoming environment for workers by using plants to create a natural barrier that is pleasing to the eye and more aesthetic than alternative dividers and barriers. This can help workers relax and concentrate on their tasks and allow them to be more productive. 

For a cost-effective, durable, and aesthetically pleasing way of creating coworking spaces, consider TerraCast today. Our resin planters can help you achieve this goal with minimal hassle. To learn more about our resin products, contact us today!