8 Common Commercial Landscape Lighting Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

8 Common Commercial Landscape Lighting Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid


Common commercial landscape lighting mistakes include creating light pollution, using too many of the same fixtures and employing energy-sucking bulbs. Commercial landscape lighting is a must-have to ensure the safety and security of your property, customers and employees. By avoiding the most common landscape lighting mistakes you can get the most out of commercial lighting.

Here Are The Most Common Landscape Lighting Mistakes

1. Not Using LED Bulbs

LED lighting fixtures will save you money and time in countless ways. For one, they far supersede the lifeline of traditional bulbs, which means you have to remove and replace bulbs far less frequently. LED bulbs can last as long as 11 years with continuous operation, or 22 years if used 50% of the time.

LED emits lighting differently, instead of burning out the bulbs start to emit lower output levels that over a long period of time dwindle down and become less bright.

LED bulbs consume a lot less electricity, which means you’ll reap the benefits every month on your electricity bill.

Benefits of LED lighting include:

-Energy efficient and more eco-friendly than traditional bulbs.

-Capable of withstanding storms and other serious conditions.

-Emits zero UV emissions and close to zero infrared light. This makes LED ideal for lighting up areas or products that are sensitive to heat and UV radiation, such as fresh produce, art and archeological sites, just to name a few.

-Can run on low voltage power supply.

-LED lights are bright the moment you turn them on and can be frequently switched on and off without impacting overall lifeline.

-Capable of working in extremely high or low temperatures.

-No need for an external reflector, as LED’s are designed to focus light on a specific location.

2. Creating Light Pollution

The goal of any lighting fixture is to add better visibility to visitors, employees, residents, and so forth. Adding too much lighting or improperly placed lighting can make it more difficult for people to see. It’s so important to install the right type, amount and voltage of lighting, as well as place lighting fixtures in the right locations to prevent light pollution, glares and other lighting issues.

Outdoor lights should not obstruct vision or create glares that make it difficult to see. Be courteous by checking your lighting and making sure it does not shine directly onto the road or a neighboring property. Installing spotlights with glare guards is one way to prevent some of these issues.

3. Using The Same Lighting Fixtures Throughout Your Entire Property

Your lighting fixtures should all flow together to take on some sort of pattern. That doesn’t necessarily mean you want all of your lighting fixtures to be exactly the same. Needless to say, this is boring. Spark more charm and style to your property by adding a mixture of different lighting fixtures. This also helps break up the level that light is emitted at. For instance, if you add in-ground lighting, light poles and tree ring lighting fixtures, you end up with an excellent mix of lighting at varying heights.

4. Adding Intrusive Amounts of Lighting

Outdoor lighting needs to serve its purpose without overtaking the entire property. Sometimes, less is more when it comes to adding the right amount of lighting fixtures. Your outdoor lighting is there to highlight focal points, such as a sign that advertises your business. Lighting also increases safety, and can help people navigate walkways or find entrances. Once lighting fixtures achieve your desired goals, there’s no need to add more fixtures. Over illumination is a mistake you can easily avoid by knowing when enough is enough.

5. Not Adding Enough Lighting

You don’t want too much lighting, but you also don’t want too little lighting. Low lighting levels can defeat the purpose of adding lighting all together. The amount of lighting you add must be adequate enough to serve its intended purpose. Lighting should be bright enough to keep the entire property visible and secure, without flooding it, or surrounding areas, in overpowering lights. 

6. Improperly Mounted Landscape Lighting

Lighting fixtures must be properly secured so that they do not give way or fall over at some point. Most mistakes regarding improper mounting occur along walkways. Adding landscape lighting to grass may create issues with landscapers because it makes it more difficult to cut the grass. Investing in TerraCast lampposts ensures you never have to worry about weed whackers damaging your lampposts.

Improperly installed lighting can also create issues regarding uneven light, which ultimately alters your original design. Make sure a quality contractor with a good track record installs lighting fixtures to prevent issues.

7. Placing Lighting Fixtures Too Close Together

No need to have lighting fixtures babysitting one another. Place lighting fixtures far enough apart to prevent overcrowding. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending more than you need on fixtures and electricity bills for no reason. Plus, you’ll likely end up creating light pollution or over illumination.

Light Up The Night With TerraCast Lighting Fixtures

We masterfully create the highest quality lighting fixtures on the market. Shop our beautiful, tough and unmatched collection of residential and commercial lighting fixtures. See our commercial landscape lighting HERE.