outdoor planter

Choosing Outdoor Planters – What Works for Your Business


What Kind of Commercial Outdoor Planter is Right for Your Business?

There’s no denying it: plants have a very profound effect on how human beings feel about their surroundings. As flowers, shrubs and trees become scarcer in the sprawling urban metropolis of the modern world; decorative outdoor planters placed strategically at the entrance of a building can make a lasting impression. Blame it on biology — it’s simply in our genes to be drawn to nature. Benefits of Plants

People like to keep flowerbeds on their windowsills or hanging plants near the front door, in order to inject an extra dose of life and color into their residential spaces. Plants inside the home can brighten up a room and provide decoration. But when a commercial business can harness that connection between people and plant life, the rewards can be lasting customers, and they can remain loyal for life.

As such, it’s important to understand the kind of small, medium and large commercial planters you have available to you as a business owner. It doesn’t matter whether you’re running a mom-and-pop shop on the corner or a multi-million-dollar enterprise in Downtown Cityscape, U.S.A. Sometimes it’s just about finding the right type of decorative outdoor planters (and interior accents, too).

Clay planters

Ah, the old reliable option. You’ve likely seen these round orange bases outside plenty of hotels or even inside hospitals. That’s because clay planters — usually made of terracotta, or unglazed clay — are very rustic and blend well with the actual colors of the plants that it can hold. Since clay is porous, air and moisture can permeate the planter with ease, allowing the plant life to remain healthy and well watered. However, clay pots are easily broken, so handle with care.

Plastic planters

For a modern look to your decorative outdoor planters, you might want to opt for plastic over clay. Because they’re so much more lightweight, plastic planters allow for more portability and flexibility when it comes to finding the right layout and design. Plus, plastic is typically easier to make than clay, which means you can often find it available in more colors and hues to match your desired surroundings. Watch out for dark-colored plastic when using these planters outdoors, as it could soak up sunlight more easily, leading to more wilted plants.

outdoor planters

Wooden planters

If it’s authenticity you crave, you can’t get much closer to Mother Earth than with wood. These decorative outdoor plantersare perfect for completing a patio or deck that’s exclusively wooden, as they can be coordinated to match the theme exactly. Try rectangular planters for a sharper aesthetic and a neater overall appearance. In the end, wood can be easily damaged with too much rain, so make sure you take the appropriate measures to coat it first.

These decorative outdoor planter options are really only scratching the surface. Look into fiberglass, stone or resin for some other styles, but always make sure to take note of the pros and cons. When a planter looks nice now, ask yourself, “How will it look after a season spent in the sun and rain?” Always look to the future for the betterment of both your plants and your business.