Landscape Safety

Landscape Safety Checklist For 7 Common Landscaping Issues


Landscape SafetyIs your landscape design safe for everyone that visits your location? Managing corporate landscaping is a lot of work, and there are a variety of crucial errors that can turn nice landscaping into a potential danger zone. Landscaping is almost always completed on a tight schedule, and when trying to meet deadlines short cuts can lead to future complications. Budgetary confines can also shortcut the overall safety of a property. In order to keep your customers safe and your business free of lawsuits, it’s important to conduct regular safety checks to prevent the following 7 common landscape safety issues.

Landscape Safety Issue #1: Using The Wrong Materials

In many cases the wrong landscaping materials are used to complete a project. Sometimes this happens due to time constraints, budgetary issues, or a lack of knowledge. Whatever the reason, improperly selected materials will not stand up to the necessary challenges. For instance, if the wrong type of stabilizing material is used to attach a stair railing to the wall the actual railing will loosen over time. Then, one day when someone is relying on this handle for support it will give out, causing injury that leads right back to you.

Many landscaping materials are sold as outdoor-friendly but with actual exposure rust and corrode, presenting unique safety issues. Our specially formulated resin will never rust or corrode, no matter how much it rains or gets hit by sprinklers.

Landscape Safety Issue #2: No Sign Of Signs Highlighting Uneven Ground

If an area has uneven ground, there needs to be a big blatant sign that advertises this. Otherwise, people will trip and fall causing a painful and embarrassing moment that gets blamed on your business. Uneven ground, unexpected steps—even if they don’t seem unexpected to you, or sloped surfaces should always be addressed with an easy to read sign. Properly warning customers about changes in terrain helps ensure your customers are not caught off guard and end up injured.

Landscape Safety Issue #3: Not Enough Lighting Installed Around Landscaping

Lighting fixtures highlight certain qualities of your landscaping, but they also provide a key safety feature. As soon as the sun disappears for the night, it’s up to your lighting features to guide the way. People can easily trip and fall if they can’t see where they are going. Most customers are likely unfamiliar navigating through your property, and without plenty of light it’s easy to stumble or become disoriented.

Our rust-resistant lighting fixtures provide long-lasting LED light you can count on for years to come.

Landscape Safety Issue #4: Too Many Curves, Not Enough Straight Lines

The fastest way to get from point A to point B is in a straight line. Curvy landscape design elements look nice and fancy, but no one needs to walk in a zigzag pattern to reach the front door of your establishment. This only increases the risk someone gets injured along the way, or never finds the entrance.  A straight, well-lit pathway with a flat ground surface is the best, and safest option to get your customers into your storefront.

Also, you don’t want people walking directly through your landscaping elements. This is why a well-defined path is so important. A pathway helps keep the public from trampling through the grass, or cruising over your delicate daisy patch. It also provides a flat and stable surface that reduces the risk for injury.

Landscape Safety Issue #5: Forgetting About The Possibility Of Unstable Ground

There are a couple of reasons the ground around your property can become unstable, leading to ground holes with the capability of damaging walls and buildings. Poor soil compaction can be an issue that leads to a lack of support for ground coverings and structures. Having a professional site assessment conducted can address and solve any issues with poor soil compaction.

Another issue is underground trash holes, which are more common than many like to think. When construction workers don’t follow the law and create their own ‘trash hole’ during construction big problems can arise. Certain organic materials, like wood, and paper, will eventually decompose and force the surrounding ground to settle downwards. If this ground is supporting a retaining wall or other structural feature, the effects can be devastating.

Landscape Safety Issue #6: Not Keeping Up With Maintenance Work

If plants are able to grow wildly out of control all sorts of potential dangers can spring up. Wild animals and swarms of bugs can move in unnoticed, large holes can form, and puddles can fill up and flood. Even if these eyesores are out of sight, they won’t be out of mind if someone comes across these areas and becomes injured.

Overgrown plants can also interfere with pathways, causing people to trip, or become confused about where to go. Plants that grow close to a building or walkway can overgrow into the actual structure creating damage over time. Regular landscape maintenance keeps your landscaping looking good and it also prevents dangers from having the chance to develop.

Landscape Safety Issue #7: Hiring Non-Skilled Landscape Maintenance Workers

If you have unskilled laborers taking care of your landscape maintenance there is a much greater risk someone could get injured on the job. If a power tool, such as a lawn mower becomes jammed injuries can likely arise if the problem is not properly handled. It’s not uncommon for landscapers to tragically endure amputations and other injuries due to trying to fix machinery without first turning it off. Even if a machine seems to be working well, it can easily backfire causing injury and mutilation if it is not correctly handled.

TerraCast Products are made with an emphasis on safety and quality. We guarantee all of our landscaping materials to withstand the test of time, helping improve the overall safety of your landscaping.