Eco Friendly Landscaping Materials & Tips For Landscape Designers

Eco Friendly Landscaping Materials & Tips For Landscape Designers


TerraCast Products is proud to provide eco-friendly planters, lampposts, and a wide variety of site furnishings for commercial and residential projects. We use sustainable manufacturing practices and carefully source all materials, all while creating products built to last over the long haul.

Over the years, we have worked with many top-notch landscape designers and architects in order to secure the best looking and longest lasting eco-friendly landscape designs. In proof, many of our products are eligible for LED credits and points for qualified projects.

Eco Friendly Landscaping Materials & Tips

Design: Site design should be focused on increasing functionality while minimizing the need for maintenance.

Drainage: A mixture of swales, rain barrels and rain gardens can reduce the movement of water across your property. Proper drainage design reduces water loss and repurposes water.

Hardscapes: Hardscape materials can be used to decrease water loss by maximizing infiltration into the ground.

Site furnishings: The planters, furniture, receptacles and lighting fixtures you install can make your property more or less eco-friendly. Seek long lasting, quality products made in the USA using sustainable methods.

TerraCast Planters Offer An Eco-Friendly Alternative To Traditional Planters

Our resin-based planters are made right here in the USA using sustainable methods and materials. Our black products can be made with nearly 100% post-consumer recycled materials, while all of our products are made with recyclable materials. And at the end of their long life, they are recyclable.

Another important element to eco-friendly landscaping is creating products that are meant to last a long time. Our planters have one of the longest lifelines compared to any other planters on the market. Regardless of freezing weather, impact damage or even graffiti, our planters are able to make a comeback from pretty much anything.

How Self-Watering Planters Can Step Up Your Eco-Friendly Game

All of our planters come with the option to add a self-watering chamber attachment to the bottom. Not all plants prefer self-watering planters, but most tend to do better in them. Self-watering planters are designed to collect excess water after it drains through the soil at the bottom of the pot in a basin or chamber of some sort. This water chamber is far enough beneath plant roots so that they are not soaking in excess water, but close enough that the roots can reach down and grab water as needed.

Traditional planters easily become over soaked, allowing plant roots to sit in water for days/weeks on end, causing root rot and other issues. Self-watering planters repurpose water, reduce how often your plants need to be watered and increase the health of your plants.

LED Lighting Saves The Planet & Your Wallet

LED lighting reduces energy consumption by a shocking amount. An incandescent bulb uses 60W of energy to every 10W output by an LED bulb. You need 21 incandescent bulbs to power 25,000 hours of use, but you only need 1 LED bulb to do the same. Over these 25,000 hours, it costs $180 to run incandescent bulbs, while LED bulbs cost just $30 for the same amount of time. That means you don’t just save money on monthly electricity bills, but you save money on bulbs too. Plus, you’re saving the environment by reducing electrical output, as well as the numbers of bulbs littering landfills.

TerraCast creates lampposts, tree ring lights, in ground lighting and many other types of lighting fixtures that work in conjunction with LED bulbs. Our lighting fixtures are built with the same eco friendly mission as our planters. Built to last over the long haul, our lighting fixtures are resistant to water damage, rust, corrosion, stains, impact damage and much more.

Rooftop Gardens Are As Green As It Gets

Planting greenery on top of your roof can have a huge impact on the eco-friendly qualities of your building. Buildings with a green roof conserve energy much better and require less heating and cooling throughout the year. Plus, they offer an excellent place to escape the madness of the world and just chill out.

Rain Gardens Help Repurpose Water

Rain gardens collect water runoff from roofs, driveways, or other parts of your yard. This allows you to repurpose water back into the ground where it belongs. Rain gardens often accompany shrubs or perennials. They can be colorful and beautiful parts of your landscaping that also provide important environmental benefits.

Forget The Costly Lawn

Rocks, walkways and native plants are just some of the many alternatives to lawns. Lawns are a lot of work to maintain and require endless watering and mowing. With so many other eco-friendly options out there, there’s no reason to plant large lawns anymore.

The Power Of Strategically Placed Trees

By placing trees in just the right places you can actually decrease your indoor energy usage. Trees near windows can block out sunshine and reduce how much air conditioning you need during the summer. According to, planting shade trees can reduce air conditioning costs by as much as 15-50%. To get the most out of shade trees, make sure some branches cover parts of the roof and air conditioning unit. Plant trees on the west and south-facing sides of your building. Planting trees on the south side of your home helps shade the roof and subsequently cool off temperatures, as the sun will not hit that side of your home as much during the summer.

You can use tall evergreen trees to your advantage during the winter by planting them as natural windbreakers. Aim to plant trees on the north and west sides of your building for the best results. Identify the dominant wind direction in your area and plant upwind accordingly. 

Go Greener With Native Plants

Native plants are the most eco-friendly option and they are abundant with benefits you and the local environment will be thankful for. Native plants are meant to survive in your exact conditions without much, if any, help from humans. Planting native foliage reduces time and money, while making your life so much easier.

Learn more about LED projects: What Is LEED?

Learn more about energy efficient landscaping