Business Landscape Mistakes

Business Landscape Mistakes


Quality eye-catching commercial landscaping can make your business more attractive and welcoming to your customers and clients. On top of that, a landscape that is well-maintained, functional, and beautiful can add value to your property while it speaks volumes about the way you do business. In addition, while landscaping adds charm and value, it can also serve other helpful functions – such as improving safety and security, as well as addressing your budget needs effectively. In order to help you achieve the level of function and beauty you desire for your business, while staying within your budgetary requirements, TerraCast Products offers these business landscape mistakes you want to avoid when planning your exterior landscape design.

Avoiding Mistake #1 – Failing to Ensure Traffic Safety

Traffic flow and traffic safety – foot traffic and vehicular traffic – must be taken into account when planning your exterior landscape. First of all, you want to ensure your landscape does not impede the flow of traffic around your business, but also important is the flow guiding customers into your business. All your landscaping should direct your customers to the easily navigate your property and find exactly what they are seeking. Plus, if your business happens to be a restaurant, coffee house, or other establishment with outdoor areas for customers like parklets and patios, your landscaping should include safety features to keep everyone – employees, customers, passerby – while they enjoy your outdoor spaces. Quality polymer resin planters from TerraCast Products can help you avoid landscape mistake #1 by acting as traffic barriers, space definers, and property beautifiers. 

Avoiding Mistake #2 – Failing to Select the Proper Plants

In commercial landscaping, plant choice is crucial to the ongoing attractiveness of your property. Coordinated planters, flowers, trees, groundcover, and shrubs increase visual interest, welcome customers, make a good first impression, and can even safe energy. Trees can add much needed shade, increased your property’s energy efficiency. Keep in mind when choosing plants whether flowers, trees, groundcover, or other greenery, you want to select plants that grow well in your climate, fit well in your space, and can thrive in the amount of sunlight your property provides. You also need to remember to incorporate the necessary resources to deliver the proper car to your plants – from water to fertilizer and more. For best results always select plants which can flourish in your environment, are easy to care for, and complement your business. 

Avoiding Mistake #3 – Failing to Ensure Proper Drainage

Going hand in hand with potential mistake #2 is potential mistake #3, drainage. As you plan your commercial landscaping, drainage is important. Whether you are counting on area rainfall to water your plants or chose a built-in sprinkler system, or both, adequate drainage is key to ensure your parking lot, sidewalks, and entryways aren’t puddle-filled hazards for your customers and your employees. Adequate drainage keeps walkways and parking areas free from ponding, while ensuring your plants thrive and invite customers to your business.

Avoiding Mistake #4 – Failure to Light Your Property Effectively

Lighting your business property properly not only provides for the safety of your customers and your employees, but also makes your business appear more welcoming. TerraCast Products landscape lighting and lampposts mean stairways, walkways, and parking areas are safer for customers as well as employees, acting to light the way as well as deterring criminals. Lighting also showcases your property in the best possible way.

TerraCast Products Can Help

Let the expert team at TerraCast Products help you avoid these common business landscape mistakes with high quality resin planters, lighting, and site furnishings to help your business shine.