Providing Outdoor Eating Spots for Employees

Providing Outdoor Eating Spots for Employees


During the workday, we all spend time looking forward to lunchtime. Whether you are excited to go out and grab a snack with a coworker or if you simply cannot wait to unpack the lunch you have brought from home, the minutes leading up to it are motivating. With that being said, employees work hard throughout the day and deserve a proper space to enjoy their lunch.

It is recommended to have at least one of your meals throughout the day outdoors. This has been proven to reduce stress and improve your mood. Therefore, how can we not give employees a relaxing and enjoyable outdoor dining area? Whether this outdoor eating spot is meant for their lunch break or just a simple breather in general throughout the day. With this in mind, how can you provide a proper outdoor eating spot for your employees? Here, we will go over a few simple tips on how to do just that.

Creating the Patio

First things first, do you have an outdoor patio already, or do you need to build one? If you are planning on starting from scratch and building the patio from the ground up, here are a few tips on how to get you started:

  • First decide on if this will be a DIY project or if you are planning on hiring a team of experts to start this project
  • Once this has been decided, either you or the team or both, will need to build a patio base of gravel and sand
  • Next, place a few stones down
  • Lastly, top the patio with sand and you will have yourself a simple yet elegant outdoor patio space for you and your employees to enjoy lunch.

Of course, this can be a lengthier project if needed, however, if you want to get started right away, try out this DIY stone patio for yourself.

Provide a Seating and Lounging Area

Now that you have an outdoor space to work with, it is time to fill it up with the necessities. One of these necessities would be a seating area where employees can sit down to have their meal. Another bonus can be creating a separate lounging area to relax in. Whether you decide to go for a newly added hammock or lounge chair to create this lounging area, know that your employees will appreciate this extra touch. As far as the seating area goes, be sure to provide proper outdoor patio furniture such as sturdy, durable tables and chairs.

Make the Space Enjoyable

As everything is coming together, it is now time to dress up the space. If you are trying to create an enjoyable dining and hangout area for your employees, the best way to do so is to decorate using greenery. Not only are plant the most eco-friendly option, but they are also pleasing to the eye. Being surrounded by greenery is yet another way to help reduce stress and anxiety as well as boost your mood overall. With that being said, these beautiful plants will need a home, and while on the topic of eco-friendly products, we want to mention a few of our top 3 favorite eco-friendly planters from TerraCast Products:

In addition to these planters, we also have self-watering planters and inserts to help maintain your green oasis without the added stress and worry of watering your plants.

If you are ready to create that perfect outdoor space for your employee, feel free to head to our website and request a quote on any of our products.